

Subdivision applications are processed by the County of Newell. In order to subdivide your land, you’ll need to follow a series of steps, starting with a subdivision application. The process typically takes 6 to 8 weeks to obtain conditional approval (click here for the Subdivision Process. Applicants have one year from the approval date to satisfy the conditions required for the subdivision. The scope of the conditions will vary depending on the complexity of the subdivision. They range from ensuring taxes are current to signing a development agreement for the provision of servicing to the development. Once the conditions of approval are met and the final endorsement is obtained, the subdivision will be registered at the Alberta Land Titles Office.

Due to the variability of subdivision development endeavors, all proposed subdivision applications are reviewed on a case by case basis. Please contact the County Planning and Development Department for further information and to go over the process.

What is a Subdivison?

A subdivision is the act of dividing a single parcel of land into two or more parcels, each to be given its own separate title. Subdivision approval is also required for boundary line adjustments. 

Subdivision rules are legislated by the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and the Subdivision and Development Regulation. The Subdivision Authority Bylaw authorizes the Subdivision Authority with exercising subdivision powers and duties on behalf of the County of Newell.

Subdivision Process

Subdivison Appeals

Official Website of the County of Newell

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